Ministry of Energy & Water Resources


Technical Assistant & Capacity Building Project

Project Overview

The Ministry of Energy & Water Resources of Jubaland has implemented Technical Assistant & Capacity Building Project supported by the Ministry of Energy & Water Resources of Federal Government of Somalia , and funded by the African Development Bank. The intervention is structured to build human and institutional capacity, and knowledge management, including the development of capacity building framework, building the capacity of an initial core set of personnel as trainer of trainees and involving them in the formalisation of the Somalia electricity sector. The project will also involve the development of appropriate database management to obtain key sector data to enable the trained experts to jumpstart research and development of other relevant regulatory instruments and structures.


Project Objectives

The overall objective of this project derives from an acknowledgment of the acute fiscal constraints facing the FMS, the skills shortage, and institutional weaknesses. 


Geographical Coverage

The technical assistance and capacity building for setting up the regulatory authority for the energy sector is implemented across all the Federal Member States in Somalia. 

Project Components

Component I:- Development of Capacity Building Framework (CBF) and Sector Government Framework and Skills Training and set up Energy Database Management system:
Component II:- Technical Assistance to the FGS to establish an energy regulatory authority and provide support to women participation in the sector.
Component III Project management and implementation arrangement: This component includes the operating costs and audit fess of the Project.


Capacity Need Assessment

Capacity Need Assessment was conducted.


Training Hall Equipment

Procurement of Training Hall Equipment for all Federal Member states.


Capacity Building

Capacity Building Training was Conducted 


Stakeholders Engagement

Stakeholdes Engagement Meeting was Conducted.


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