Ministry of Energy & Water Resources


Ground Water for Reliance Project (GW4R)  (Abaar-Tir)

Project OVerview

The Groundwater for Resilience project (GW4R) is a component of the World Bank financed Horn of Africa (HoA) initiative. The project is intended to increase sustainable access and management of groundwater as a key contributing factor to enhanced climate resilience of targeted communities.

The project will strengthen the foundations for regional approaches to resilience building through an improvement of the knowledge base and institutional capacity related to climate shocks, and investments in enhanced groundwater supply and improved utilization.


Project Objectives

The project development objective (PDO) is to increase the sustainable access and management of groundwater in the Horn of Africa’s borderlands

The project gives emphasis to six priority areas: 

  • Addressing extreme poverty and vulnerability;
  • Regional integration and cooperation;
  • Gender equity and community development;
  • Sustainable groundwater development;
  • Climate resilient water resources development
  • Long-Term learning by doing and by training.

 Project Geographic Coverage

Project implementation will take place in all Federal Member States (MS). The MS are Galmudug, HirShabelle, Puntland, Jubaland, Somaliland and Southwest State , with similar Tasks and Responsibilities 

Project Components

1: Delivering inclusive groundwater services to critical areas: the project will deliver:

  1. The investments in groundwater development, community management, and enhanced use of groundwater for human consumption and livelihood development.
  2. Hydrogeological surveys and research, aquifers’ assessment, and identification and assessment of potential water point locations.
  3. Infrastructure development and community-level management and use of groundwater this will deliver new water points to communities in need for improved water supply.
  4. Preparations for groundwater development in focus areas. This is where potential water point locations are assessed, and feasibility studies undertaken

2: Establish a uniform system for groundwater development and management across Somalia.

  • This component focuses on groundwater institutional governance and information. It includes both required short-term project governance components and the development and delivery to government of a proposed comprehensive groundwater governance system.
  • Develop a groundwater governance system and arrange cooperation between federal and state governments, within governments, and with civil society.
  • Establish and operationalize groundwater offices at Ministry of Water at Federal, Member State Governments, and Somaliland
  • Capacity development in groundwater development, management, and monitoring. This is where the main thrust in capacity development and training is located.
  • Groundwater data and information management. As part of the new Somalia National Water Resources Strategy and Roadmap, a Hydromet Centre will be established at MoEWR in Mogadishu. Within this centre, a groundwater data and information management section will be established, including office space, staff, equipment, and work orders
  • The Merti aquifer, located mainly in Kenya but stretching into Somalia, will be promoted as a case for regional cooperation and development, testing and developing ways of working together.

3:Project Management and M&E and Internalized Knowledge Management and Learning 

This component focuses on finance establishment and operational costs, Project management and structure and Monitoring and evaluation (M&E), knowledge management, and internal learning.

Achievements (Capacity Building, Project framework & Infrastructure)

1. Establishment of Project Implementation unit at state level (PIU)

A State-level Project implementation Unit (PIU) typically consists of key personnel with specialized roles to ensure the successful implementation of projects. The core team members include: Project manager, Finance specialist, procurement specialist, social safeguard and M&E.


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2. Capacity Building

Provision for financial management training offered to project finance specialist at Kenya school of Government. The training encompasses crucial areas such as budgeting, financial planning, effective project financial control, procurement and contract management, adherence to regulatory compliance, risk management, and proficiency in utilizing financial software and tools.


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3: PIU office Furniture and ICT Equipment:

Procurement of PIU office furniture and ICT equipment completed.


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4. Technical Engineer Recruitment

The Recruitment of Project Technical Engineer completed and was onboarded.


5. Project Vehicle & Driver

Purchased 1 pickup truck for official transportation requirements related to project monitoring, inspection and materials transport was purchased and 1 driver has been hired


Tran’s-boundary MERTI AQUIFER

Tran’s-boundary MERTI AQUIFER memorandum was developed and submitted to IGAD for review.

Revised MOU on joint management of MERTI AQUIFER with inputs from Somalia team was sent to IGAD for further review.


Site Selection

Pre-selection matrix for 20 sites intended for investment was identified.


Site Review

Retrenchment from the long-list to short-list. A minimum of 5 sites were selected for pilot activities.


Field Assessment

Joint field rapid assessment was successfully completed in Gedo region. i.e Dolow and Beledxawa.


Project Stakeholders

The Project is Funded by the World Bank and is being implemented by the ministry of Energy & Water Resources of Jubaland state with Support and facilitation from the Ministry of Energy & Water Resources of the Federal Government of Somalia.
The World Bank logo with a stylized globe above the text 'The World Bank.'

Funded by

This Project is Funded by the World Bank



This Project is being Co-Implemented by the Ministry of Energy & Water Resources of Federal Government of Somalia.

Seal of the Ministry of Energy and Water Resources, Jubaland State of Somalia.


This Project is Being Implemented by the Ministry of Energy & Water Resources of Jubaland State of Somalia with Support from the Ministries of Planning and Finance of Jubaland.