Kismaayo Urban Water Supply
Kismayo Urban Water Supply & Sanitation Project
Project Overview
The Ministry of Energy & Wate Resources of Jubaland & International Organization for Migration are jointly Implementing Kismaayo Urban Water Supply & Sanitation Project in Kismaayo Funded by Federal Government of Somalia which received funding from the African Development Fund & African Development Bank to finance Kismayo Urban Water Supply and Sanitation Project.
International Organization for Migration (IOM) is the project implementing partner, with close collaboration with Ministry of Energy and Water Resources of Jubaland State.
Project Lots
The Project infrastructure are categorized into the following lots;
Lot 01: Yoontoy water treatment works - stilling well, chemical dosing channel & electro-magnetic, scour & overflow chambers, flocculation basins (2nr), sedimentation tanks (4nr), filters, filter gallery and filter control room, storage tank (1000m³), backwash water tank (250m³ ), chemical storage, mixing and dosing building, chlorine storage and mixing building, pump house, air blower room, generator room, administration building, site and ancillary works at treatment works site, electro-mechanical equipment and electrical works.
Lot 02: Yoontoy Treatments Works (Backwash & Sludge Units), Yoontoy intake works, raw water pumping main (RWPM), Yoontoy water treatment works, Kismayo storage tank - 2,500m³ capacity.
Lot 03: Rising Mains and distribution Lines - treated water pumping main (TWPM), distribution main.
Project Objectives
The overall project objectives are;
(i)to increase access to safe water
(ii)improve sanitation
(iii)strengthen the capacity for improved water and sanitation services delivery,
(iv)reduce economic and social exclusion of poor and vulnerable groups of the population living Kismayo towns.
The objectives are to be achieved through the following three project components:
(i) Construction / rehabilitation of Water supply and sanitation infrastructure,
(ii) Capacity development and,
(iii) Project management.
Project Geographic Coverage
The Project target Geographical Area is Yoontooy Water Treatment at Kismaayo Town , Lower Juba Region.
Project Components
1. Construction / rehabilitation of Water supply and sanitation infrastructure
2. Capacity development
3. Public hygiene awareness and training shall be undertaken as part of the interventions.
4. Construct sanitation facilities in schools, health centers, and markets.
Intake Works
The construction of intake work is ongoing
Raw Water Pumping Main (RWPM)
- Excavation of the RWPM is complete
- Laying, joining, testing and backfilling is ongoing
10% Completed
Treatment plant
The treatment plant is 80% complete
80% Completed
Treated Water Pumping Main (TWPM)
The installation of TWPM is 30% complete.
30% Completed
Construct sanitation facilities in schools, health centers, and markets.
Public hygiene awareness and training shall be undertaken as part of the interventions.
Environmental Incidents Tracking
There is inaccessibility of Schools , water sources , mosques due to the holes dug for pipeline construction which also could pose a risk to the children living in these areas during the rainy period,
Local Leaders are complained as they have fear of Pipelines holes in falling both children and animals.
Complaints were recorded from Bula-Haji , Bula Bartire , Istanbul, Eljale 1 , Eljale 2 and New Gobweyn residents.
Distribution tank (2500m3)
The construction of distribution tanks is 95% complete.
95% Completed
Distribution Water main
The installation of distribution pipeline has not yet started.
Project Stakeholders
The Project is Funded by frican Development Fund & African Development Bank and is being Jointly implemented by the ministry of Energy & Water Resources of Jubaland state and the International Organization for Migration (IOM).
Funded By
The Project is Funded by The African Development Bank
End User
The Ministry of Energy & Water Resources of Jubaland state - Somalia is taking part the Implementation of the Project through Jubaland Water Agency (JUWA)
Implementing Partner
International Organization for Migration (IOM) is the Implementing Partner with Collaboration from the Ministry of Energy & Water Resources of Jubaland